Kanglong Chemical Corporation (03759) announcedjupiterclubnodepositbonusIn order to safeguard the company's value and the company's shareholders 'rights and interests, enhance investor confidence, and comprehensively consider the company's financial status, future development and reasonable valuation level and other factors, the company plans to use its own funds to repurchase A shares. The price of shares repurchased shall not exceed RMB 31 per share (inclusive), and the total amount of repurchase funds shall be no less than RMB 200 million (inclusive) and no more than RMB 300 million (inclusive). It is planned that the repurchase of A shares will be fully used for cancellation and reduction of the company's registered capital.

Based on the estimated total funds for share repurchase being RMB 200 million to RMB 300 million, and the price of share repurchase not exceeding RMB 31 per share (inclusive), it is estimated that the number of A shares repurchased will be 6,451,613 shares to 9,677,419 shares, accounting for approximately 0.00 of the company's total issued share capital as at the date of this announcementjupiterclubnodepositbonus.36% to 0.54%.