Today, the market has risen in an all-round way, and the effect of making money has exploded. Holiday is good, rail transit, real estate chain performance is general, chemical industry, synthetic biology is relatively strong. Chemical industry is mainly driven by Zhengdan shares (300641), with an increase of 439%, which is better than that of Lianchuang shares (300343). In addition, commodity prices rise, chemical prices also rise, there is a strong linkage. Synthetic biology becomes stronger after divergence, and the plate is expected to have trillion market potential. Synthetic biology uses renewable carbon resources to synthesize chemicals, drugs, food and so on, which are widely used in the alternative space of traditional processes.

Compared with traditional chemical synthesis, the carbon emissions of synthetic organisms are reduced by 30-50%, the reaction conditions are milder, and some products can reduce costs. The performance of several targets shared by Fortune before short holiday is good, and then I will share more targets for your reference. To sum up, artificial intelligence and low-level economy are rising and falling in strong markets, while low-end varieties such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, spirits and consumption continue to strengthen. The move of high and low capital is obvious, and it is necessary to focus on the pharmaceutical, liquor and consumer stocks that foreign investors continue to buy, as well as the low-level chemical stocks.

Today's market trend is representative and worthy of attention. After-market announcements include eight departments on the goal of intensive care beds, Zhongzi Science and Technology as a supplier of exhaust gas purification catalysts for a new power enterprise, Pengding Holdings (002938) combined operating income growth, Longli Technology (603906) progress in hydrogen fuel cell industry chain, formulation of synthetic biological action plan, rising chemical product prices, equipment renewal work, implementation of natural gas price linkage mechanism, Tesla Robot (300024) Optimus progress, Golden Guan Electric bid winning information, Mingtai Aluminum Industry (601677) April production and sales data, Henan Province consumer goods trade-in implementation plan, Chang'an Automobile (000625) and Huawei cooperation progress.

Among the individual stock opportunities, 20 share prices have reached record highs, of which Qiaoyuan shares is a potential opportunity. Qiaoyuan Co., Ltd. has the largest all-liquid air separation gas production line in southwest China, which has the advantage of large-scale production capacity, and the acceleration of cross-regional gas production projects and special gas market expansion are expected to bring upgrading. Sentiment is expected to fall in the short term, but there may be gains in the direction of synthetic biology.

Stock name overseas Chinese stock plate name chemical raw materials, biological products key words artificial intelligence, low-level economy, medicine is too hotLuckydaysbonus! Risk Tip of Hexun self-selected WriterLuckydaysbonusThe above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.